Thursday, April 26, 2012

It’s a Tie for “Best Dish” at this Month's Hungarian Night!

I simply couldn’t decide… both were superb! I have to give it to the home chefs who pulled off the recipes for homemade Hungarian sausage and Stefánia Szelet (Hungarian meatloaf). Both meat dishes were really delicious, perfectly cooked, savory and delightful! 
Hungarian meatloaf - two ways
Our host house for the evening (as is always the case) was in charge of the main entrée and although meatloaf sounds mundane, trust me; this was anything but! He made two separate loaves; one with a sausage link in the middle and one with a whole hard-boiled egg in the center. When sliced it presented really well on the plate and the flavor was juicy and delicately tasty. I’d like to give this a try sometime for my family. I know they’d love it! 

The homemade sausage starter was also juicy, tender and perfectly seasoned and it looked as good as (better than) anything you could buy at the store. This process was pretty involved, and therefore, probably not something just anyone would want to give a try, however, the gentleman that prepared it was interested in the process and I can’t image it could turn out more superior.  
Sausage during the drying process
He’s provided me with the web link he used to obtain his information on how to make the sausage if you’re daring enough to give it a try. (I think I’ll just invite myself over to their house whenever I need to have it again!) He also took a picture for me to include of the drying process. He had to rinse and then lay out the filled sausage link and dry it with a fan in his kitchen! Do your own research and see what you can come up with...

Two best dishes this month! Can we out-do ourselves for our last Dinner Club of the season in May? Stay tuned to the blog to see… I’ll let you know soon what we’re planning for our final affair before summer arrives!

Finished sausage after smoking and grilling