Our host has several options to work with and surely some of
the cooking will be done in advance from the comfort zone of our own grills at
home, but as we always do with Dinner Club, we’ll finish our preparations when
we arrive (and with a beverage in hand)!
Some other highlights of our planned menu that I’m very much
looking forward to are the Grilled Nutella Pizza for dessert and the Feta
Cheese appetizer; which we also have done our own version of previously, but I’m
looking forward to seeing how someone else prepares it.
Watch my upcoming blog entries for more on grill types and
techniques. The men in our group really do love to get out on the patio and see
what they can come up with. Some of them spend hours in the summer smoking
various cuts of meat and I know my own hubby simply devours his grill cookbooks
full of interesting ideas! For my part, I enjoy a bit of a break from being the
“Head Chef” at our house!
Thanks for reading. Here’s the menu: