Monday, October 4, 2010

Welcome to the "Let's Do Dinner Club" Blog!

Our dinner club has been in existence for years and we're getting ready to enter our "dinner club season" yet again! Although I've penned an entire book on the subject already, publishing it will surely prove to be more of a feat that putting words to paper (or computer, as it is)! Hence, the blog of the same title has been born, today, Monday October 4th, 2010.

Why? Who cares, you might ask? Or likely are asking! Why do you care what I eat?

My answer is simple: You should care more about HOW and WHY we eat as a dinner club group than what we eat! Yes, the food is yummy too, but that’s not wholly the point!

The Gretna Dinner Club came into being as a form of entertainment, a source of fun and an incredibly creative excuse to get together with our friends. I wouldn't be writing about the subject at all if it were not for those of you out there who have already questioned me at length about what our group does.

"You're so lucky you have friends who will do that!" is one of the phrases I hear most often when asked about what we do. The secret truth is that our group is no different from you and your friends out there who would like to find a more stimulating and interesting way to get together than the same old - same old things you've already done a thousand times.

In fact, our group has already inspired one other sect here locally to start their own dinner club and I know there are many more of you out there who have heard of such a thing and don't know how to start; or maybe you have friends that get together regularly, but don't know where to go from here. Maybe you feel like you don't have enough ideas or creativity to launch on your own?

I plan to write for this blog in several ways....

One: To keep you updated on what our Gretna Dinner Club group is currently doing. I'll tell you what we have coming up for themes, food, recipes and fun! Plus, I can follow up with you afterward and let you know how it goes! I swear to include the good and the bad. Yes, sometimes we love some food ideas better than others! I also swear to include pictures! (Some are already shown below from our previous dinners.)

Two: To include excerpts from my writing in "Let's Do Dinner Club". There's a ton of useful information in there for anyone who doesn't know how to get started or has stalled out on ideas.

Three: To include anecdotes from our dinner club past. Our group has been going since 2006. There are so many fun evenings already in our past. How could I let them die out? Ideas we've already used, menu's we've created together..... Someone else could benefit, right?

So there it is! I hope you're out there listening and ready to enjoy! Feel free to come here for recipes, inspiration and updates on our crazy-fun dinners! See you soon!

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